His Tomb is Empty

picture of a wierd-looking clock
Time To Go Back…

Dear Diary,

My Time-Travel Machine is finally finished. This is a giant leap for mankind. I can now go back to see Jesus born. Hmmm. Jesus did some pretty cool stuff back in the day. Maybe I should first check out how He fed thousands using just a few loaves of bread and fish, or how He turned water to wine. Oh no, I’ve got to see how He defied gravity and walked on water. Yeah, I think He did that again when He ascended bodily into heaven (Superman!). How about His pretty long and memorable Sermon on the Mount? I’d love to see the look in His eyes as He delivered parable after parable to whoever cared to listen. I read He cast out demons from lots of folks, He healed a great number of people of all kinds of diseases. He even raised the dead. Of course! Now I know just what I’d love to see: How my Saviour Jesus came back to life after He’d been dead 3 days!!! That’s still the coolest stuff noone else has ever done. I believe that Christ’s coming back to life is the foundation of Christianity. His resurrection became our guarantee and undeniable proof of salvation. The final vindication! Thank you Jesus!!!

Alright then, I’ll go back to the very instant when Jesus was raised on the third day. Now let’s see… Going by the account of Jesus’ resurrection as recorded in the Bible: Matthew 28:1-15; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24:1-43; John 20:1-31. I’ve got to properly calibrate the time-warp compression filaments and reset the time-continuum backtracker console. Quite a lot of geeky stuff to set up. Ok now, done!!!

Time Machine destination date and time set.

Here goes nothing!!!

Phew!!! I’m back! Here’s what I saw:


picture of christ's empty tomb
Christ’s Empty Tomb


His tomb was sealed and soldiers posted around it. About dawn of that day an earthquake shook the tomb. The guards fell paralyzed with fear. An angel rolled back the stone. Some of Christ’s female followers were on their way to
the tomb to anoint his body. They wondered how they would roll away the stone. Imagine their surprise when they found it rolled back and the body gone! They supposed it had been removed and laid somewhere else. Weeping,
one of them asked a gardener if he knew where the body had been taken. Then she recognized the “gardener” as Jesus Himself. The women rushed back to tell the disciples. Peter and John raced to the tomb. All was as the women had said. An angel assured the men Christ was risen. Afterward, Jesus appeared several times to his disciples (sometimes passing through walls) and to his brother James.

These events I cannot forget. Christ is alive forever more. His tomb is empty…