Wanna Be Inspired in 2016?

Be Inspired to Inspire


Good news!!! You now have another fantastic reason to visit my blog everyday in the new year 2016. Starting from the 1st of January to the 30th of December, 2016, a section of my blog’s sidebar will be updated daily to share a quote from Gail Lynne Goodwin’s book titled “365 Daily Quotes for Inspired Living“. I have read the book and I must say that I was really inspired; inspired enough to painstakingly type it all into my Google Calendar and share it with you. Yes, you!

If you need motivation to dream big and take action to fulfill your dreams everyday, you definitely must read and internalize these gold nuggets of inspiration. The quotes will encourage you to be selfless, fearless, and have unwavering faith in yourself. Many of the quotes will admonish you to live a life of love, giving, gratitude, joy, collaboration, possibility, positivity, excellence, significance and so on.

Here’s a foretaste of the 365 days of pure inspiration you are about to experience by visiting my blog daily in 2016:

#1: It’s only when you have the courage to step off the ledge that you’ll realize you’ve had wings all along.

#64: Giving is the reason for living.

#118: Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.

#122: The two most powerful words in any language–“Thank you!”

#158: Someone in the world is better off today because of something you’ve done.

#270: When we learn to label challenging situations or problems as fascinating rather than frustrating, something shifts within that allows the solution to reveal itself.

#274: Believe that you can do it, for when you believe, doors will open unto you.

#279: When we think with no limits, we allow God to show us a bigger, better dream of possibility.

#287: Sometimes we forget who we are. Remember–you are an infinite being with unlimited possibility.

#292: Your life will improve exponentially when you improve the life of another.

#300: Your taking a deep breath doesn’t diminish my air supply any more than your success prevents mine. We are abundance.

#313: You touch everyone you interact with in either a positive or negative way. Make it positive.

#321: Collaboration is the new black. Competition only exists in our minds. There’s plenty for all of us.

#329: What if all your problems could be solved by one tiny idea? The answer is within–pay attention and listen.

#333: The greatest gift you can ever give to others is the gift of just being you.

#338: The nutritional choices we make today will directly affect the health of our bodies tomorrow. Choose wisely.

#343: If you’re going to take the time to do it, do it right the first time.

#347: We have a choice to make time for silence to hear God’s whisper, or wait for him to get our attention with a sledgehammer.

#353: Whether we tell ourselves “Life is hard” or “Life is easy”, we’ll be right.

#359: When we realize we only have 86,400 seconds each day–and when they’re gone, they’re gone–it makes us more conscious of the value of time.

There’s certainly more from where these came from. If you would like to view all the quotes from my Google Calendar on your PC or mobile device, simply visit https://goo.gl/KblZmp. Or if you would prefer having the “365 Daily Quotes for Inspired Living” stored directly in your own Google Calendar, just send me a reply to this post using your Gmail address.

Have a wonderful and fulfilling new year!!!

Image credit: Motivational Memo

Daily Bible Reading Plan for Year 2016

Find Time for the Word


I recently found a way to upload the 1-year Chronological Bible Reading Plan to my Google Calendar using a CSV file. See Import events to Google Calendar on how to import a list of events to your Google Calendar. Doing this has made it possible for me to receive daily Bible reading notifications on my Android phone. And since I made the Calendar public, I’m also able to share it with just about anybody. For instance, click this link to view the calendar anytime. I have already prepared a section of this blog’s sidebar to auto update and display the daily Bible readings for Year 2016.


Again, here is the Calendar:


Would You Like this Calendar added to your Google Calendar?

Simply fill in the subscription form below. Ensure you send your Gmail address. The daily reading events will be added automatically. You will only need to set notifications by yourself. Click Calendar Notifications to see how to get notifications on your phone, computer, or by email so you never forget a Bible reading event. Subscribe now. Don’t worry! Your emails and personal information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be used for promotional campaigns.


Bible Reading Plan Subscription Form


May the Lord richly bless you as you find time to read His Word in Jesus’ name.

Google Keep–My Current Favorite Note-Taking App

Google Keep


In case you are wondering where on earth to keep your notes, thoughts, ideas, lists, research-related images, drawings, memorable audios and so on, Google Keep is the application to use. And guess what, it’s absolutely free! Google Keep is definitely not the only note-taking app out there but it certainly meets my needs. For a comparison of note-taking software see Note-Taking Comparison.

Google Keep is available as a mobile app for the Android and iOS mobile operating systems and as a web application. Keep has awesome features like colour-coded labelled notes, checklists, image or photo notes, voice or audio notes, handwritten notes and drawings, drag-and-drop rearrangement, real-time sharing, time and location-based reminders and search. Your notes are also automatically and instantly synced across all your devices.


Google Keep App in Android Devices


Google Keep allows users to categorize notes using labels, and notes are searchable based on their color, whether they have a reminder, audio, images, or are a list. On the Android app, swiping a note to the left or right in the notes list archives the note. Archived notes appear in the Archive section. Keep also allows users to create a copy (duplicate) of a note or copy to Google Doc. Users can also choose between the List View or Grid View modes on the web. On Android, users can choose between the single-column view and the multi-column view.


I use Keep mostly at work via a Google Chrome browser on my computer. If you have a Google account and you are signed in, you can check out Keep on the web right now. I absolutely love the web app. It’s super fast, minimal and functional.


For more info, you could check out: Wikipedia, Lifehacker.


Feel free to share your thoughts on this post.

How to Create a Short Link to Any Text on the Internet

Imagine you were reading a very informative article on the Internet and you came across a particular paragraph that was worth sharing with your friends or co-workers. I know there are a zillion ways of sharing such text. For instance, you could send the web address of the page and describe to your friends where they could read the noteworthy portion of text. Or you could copy and paste the interesting paragraph in an email and send to them, etc.




I recently discovered a really cool way of sharing just about any text on the Internet at the click of a button. TLDRify (pronounced Tildrifai) is the name of such an online service. Here is how it works:


Go to the TLDRify site on https://tldrify.com/ on your computer. Follow the steps to add the TLDRify button to your bookmarks bar (by dragging it or via the Google Chrome Web Store extension). Next, browse to any site that contains some interesting portion of text you want your colleagues to focus on. Use your mouse to select the text. Then press the TLDRify button in your bookmarks bar. A short link will be automatically created, which can then be shared anyway you want. Your friends could also copy and share the link with their own audience, if they want to.


When your friends click the short link you sent them, an exact replica of the page will be displayed via TLDRify’s site. The page will automatically scroll down to the text you previously selected and will be highlighted to make it stand out from the rest. Here is a sample TLDRify short link I created to demonstrate this useful service: https://tldrify.com/d67. When you click the link, you will be taken to a Wikipedia article on URL Shortening, with particular interest on the advantages.


TLDRify Sample Share
TLDRify Sample Share


You could freely register on the TLDRify site, although this is optional. However, logging in allows you to manage the short links you’ve created, and see basic statistics of views and more.


For more information, visit the TLDRify help page: https://tldrify.com/help.